Home Instead Senior Care, Burbank

50/50: Solving Family Conflict | CaregiverStress.com

Thursday, January 20, 2011

50-50 Rule® programs and practical support services are offered to develop open discussions between adult siblings in an effort to help them improve communication skills, develop teamwork, make decisions together and divide the workload in caring for aging parents. Check out these tips on how to share the care.
Real-Life Situations

Real-Life Situations

Unpaid bills, Mom's shrinking retirement nest egg, heirloom squabbles, freeloading siblings, the devastating effects of a loved one with Alzheimer's disease… These are just a few of the family caregiving stresses that can fray relationships among siblings. What do you do when one family member seems more interested in preserving his future inheritance than in making sure Dad has the care he needs? Or what about the sister who drops in from out of state just long enough to undo the progress you made toward getting Mom to accept a little help around the house? There are ways to minimize family conflicts caused by these and similar real-life situations.

Top Issues Causing Family Stress

Top Issues Causing Family Stress

Do you know the top 5 issues that can send brothers and sisters into turmoil over the care of an elderly parent? And what 3 key factors, more than any others, will influence whether sibling relationships will deteriorate, possibly to point that the quality of their parents' care is compromised? How about the impact of birth order and parental favoritism on caregiving situations in families with multiple siblings? You may already know the answers from personal experience.

Checklist for Sibling Family Caregivers

Checklist for Sibling Family Caregivers

Caring for an aging parent isn't simple, but this straightforward checklist, along with links to resources for more information, can help you breakdown and organize what can feel like an overwhelming responsibility.

The Dynamics of Sibling Caregiving

The Dynamics of Sibling Caregiving

Sometimes just understanding the factors that play into family dynamics can help you feel a little less frustrated about your role as primary caregiver. At least you know you're not alone in feeling like your brother is taking on less than his fair share of the responsibility, and maybe you really are doing four times the work because you were always "the responsible one." Here are the facts behind the feelings.

Sharing the Care Plans

Sharing the Care Plans

No matter what you family relationships are like, an aging care plan represents unchartered waters for most families. Who takes care of Mom and Dad, and where? Do you seek outside support or try to do it all yourselves? What do you do when you can't agree or when someone feels left out?


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