Home Instead Senior Care, Burbank

Home Instead CAREGivers Receive Alzheimer's Training

Saturday, August 11, 2012

In mid 2009, the U.S Census Bureau released a report titled An Aging World: 2008. Highlights included the prediction that by 2040 more than 1.3 billion people around the world will be over the age of 65. In many countries, those over age 80 make up the fastest growing segment of the population, one that's predicted to increase 233% between 2008 and 2040. And it's expected that of those over 85, one of every two people will have Alzheimer's disease.

A Global Crisis

Every year, 4.6 million new cases of dementia are reported worldwide -- one new case every seven seconds. The 2009 World Alzheimer's Report estimates 35 million people around the globe are living with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. By 2050, the incidence will quadruple, meaning 115 million, or 1 in 85 persons, worldwide will be living with some form of dementia. The number of people with dementia is anticipated to increase by 40% in Europe and 89% in the developed Asia-Pacific countries.

Individual Needs 

To us, these statistics are not just numbers. They are individuals who require special care. They are families trying their best to care for an aging loved one. We know that the best place for a person with memory loss is in familiar surroundings. The services provided by the Home Instead Senior Care® network of locally involved franchise offices is a valuable, trusted solution to help those struggling with the challenges of dementia to maintain a regular routine, enhancing quality of life. With more than 900 independently owned and operated offices internationally, Home Instead Senior Care is uniquely positioned to provide reliable, one-on-one senior care through more than 65,000 compassionate CAREGiversSM. Because we've been caring for seniors with Alzheimer's since 1994, we have the experience and knowledge to help millions of families make what can be a most difficult time much less stressful.

Alzheimer's Training for CAREGivers Worldwide

Home Instead Senior Care's Alzheimer's care training programs are an important part of the training we provide. They give CAREGivers the latest in Alzheimer's education and dementia care techniques, so all franchises in your master territory can offer the care of a trusted professional, skilled in dealing with dementia-related issues.
CAREGivers are trained to:
  • Maintain a safe environment
  • Manage changing behaviors
  • Provide nutritious meals
  • Provide mind-stimulating activities
  • Create social interaction
  • Supervise daily activities
  • Provide personal care and continence care
In addition, CAREGivers can provide assistance with enhancing and restoring the simple pleasures of life, such as a walk in the park, a ride in the car to get ice cream or spending time in the garden. These elder care activities are proven to maximize abilities and independence, and they remain one of the best treatments for this disease. Home Instead Senior Care's approach of encouragement and assistance helps family members cope with the challenges of dementia. As a Home Instead Senior Care Master Franchisee, you can offer an effective solution for this ever-growing worldwide need.
Visit the National Alzheimer's Association at alz.org or log onto the Alzheimer's Foundation web site at alzfdn.orgfor more information and resources.


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