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Burbank Couple Wins Longest Married Couple

Friday, February 14, 2014

In honor of Valentines Day, True Love and more importantly, The Owings, we highlight their story of 82 years of marriage.

After 82 years of wedded bliss, Harold and Edna Owings were voted America's longest married couple by the Worldwide Marriage Encounter.

The couple met when they were in 5th grade. Harold used to bring Edna candy bars from his parents' store, specifically, Baby Ruths. "I was his girlfriend and there’d be a candy bar Baby Ruth on my desk every day,” Edna told the Las Vegas Review Journal earlier this year. “Two if he thought I was mad.”

So it's only fitting that for their 82nd anniversary, which they celebrated November 24, 2013 in Las Vegas, the couple celebrated with a Baby Ruth shaped caked and T-shirts that read, "Together since 1931" on the back.

"What an inspiration Mr. & Owings are to all of us," a representative from the Worldwide Marriage Encounter said in a press release. "They made a commitment to each other 82 years ago and they have kept that commitment over these many years. They truly are a sign of hope to us all."

The couple currently lives in Burbank, CA. They have two children (both deceased), four grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, the oldest of which is 27.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter -- a faith based organization dedicated to improving marriages, chose the longest married couple based off nominations sent in from all over the country. While there may be a couple who has been married longer, only those nominated between October 15, 2013 and January 10, 2014 were eligible for the award.

An awards ceremony will take place on Valentine's Day in Burbank. 

For more information regarding the article and information on Worldwide Marriage Encounter, please check their website: http://www.wwme.org/


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